
Wednesday 26 December 2012

Are you a planner?

It's THAT time of year for me. The time of year where xmas day is over and as I don't really bother with New Year celebrations I throw myself into garden plans.
I say 'plans' very loosely however because I'm one of those gardeners where 'plans' never make it to paper - they're all stored in my head or occasionally in the form  of images on my computer.
I have never worked from a formal plan which is probably why my gardens are areas scattered over about 1 acre (3 more to use up) and have no flow between them.
It's annoying this no plan gardening but I could not do it any other way.
Don't get me wrong I am an able artist so the drawing wouldn't be an issue but my brain just doesn't work in that manner, I couldn't work from a planned drawing in front of me, I simply wouldn't be able to 'see' it. However I can work from a plan in my head and can imagine the finished look., strange huh!
Transferring that design and image to other helpers can be a bit of a problem though especially as I have a tendency to change things on a whim, but this is just how I work.

So what kind of planner are you?

Would this be your plan of choice? Perfectly proportioned, showing all your desired plants in glorious colour and every slab and stone shown in position?  This would do my head in - too much colour and detail  just distracts and confuses IMO.
I'd end up just sitting and staring at it before giving up!
Gardens Illustrated

Or maybe you prefer B&W?  Have to admit that if I was a planner then this would be my choice. So much easier to see the lines and allows for a bit more alterations than the colour concept.

Garden ideas

Although I prefer the B&W I think this one is more likely to be what I would come up with. I just do not have the patience to sit and design, I'd do as quick a job as possible so that I can get out there and do something completely different

would make sense to no one but myself.

So my garden plans for 2013 are safely stored in my head ready for plenty of tweaking and imagination.
How are your plans going?


  1. Hmmm.... I am a planner who tends to change things spontaneously mid-plan! The top drawing would work the best for me , but really I do better to write all my plans down and then create my own mental image. Then I live with that image for a while to see if it needs tweaking, which it usually does. I'm not sure I'd hire myself! :o)

    1. I do a bit of both. Plan several times changing my mind each time and then when I'm planting tweak things.

      I guess I'm more the second drawing type but would use a computer app to generate the plan and in colour


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