
Saturday 23 February 2013

Life in the fast lane

OK so that was an outright lie, I'm currently stuck in the crawler lane, the one where even a 3 wheeled Reliant Robin overtakes at great speed!
I'm finally on the mend which is a good thing but I've also had to admit that I need a doctor (only took 10 days). I rang the doctors surgery at 3.30pm yesterday to try to get in on a last minute appointment only to be told that surgery is closed until Monday :((

I actually ventured outside yesterday, boredom made me do it! I had all these notions of pottering about and doing just some simple stuff like cutting the Willow for a fedge and watering the fruit trees in the polytunnel, stuff that wouldn't take much effort or energy - who was I kidding! I basically made it round to the greenhouse and polytunnel and had to sit down - I was flippin knackered.
I waited for another energy spurt and eventually made it into the polytunnel so I could check on that Seaweed tea I started before I went on vacation.

From this:-

To this:-

Yum yum!  Not!  I didn't even have the energy to drain the stuff and get it into a tub.
Looks gross doesn't it! But it's full of yummy goodness for my plants. Mind you I think I should summon the energy to filter it now while I can't smell anything!

So that was my extent of yesterdays gardening experience, oh, that and reading my 'Gardeners World' magazine. 
Mind you I did have fun watching my husbands Eagle Owls.


  1. Great owl picture!

  2. I hope you feel better soon, there is nothing worse that not having enough energy to do the things you want to

  3. Well it is good to hear you are on the mend. Sometimes just being out in the garden can be that seaweed stew will be rank...fabulous owl picture!

  4. Beautiful owl. I hope that you're feeling 100% soon. -Jean

  5. Hope you feel better. How do you make seaweed tea?

    1. Seaweed tea is so simple to make, just go to your local beach and fill bags with the seaweed that has been washed up. Don't take the stuff that is still rooted to rocks or sand though, just the stuff that has piled up loose.
      Then just take it home, stuff some into a bucket, fill the bucket with water and leave for a few weeks. After a few weeks just sieve the water into a clean container and compost the seaweed that's left.

      Thank you KL I am feeling much better now :)


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