
Thursday 7 March 2013

Cucumber trellis

The weather here today has done a complete 360 turn compared to the past week or so. It started with a chilly breeze coming in and now we have a bloomin cold wind and rain.
Hopefully the seeds in the propagators will be ok but I may just have made the most common gardening error - sowing too early because the weather was unseasonally warm.

I made a start on the Cucumber trellis though. I've tried many ways of supporting Cucumber over the years from stringing them up to letting them creep along the ground.
The problem I've always found with tieing them upright is that they always seem to bunch back down with the weight of the fruit and if I leave them to grow along the ground the fruit rot, even if I lay them on straw.
This year I have decided to try another tact. I've searched the web and I've created a Cucumber trellis that will support the plant as it grows up at an angle and will allow the fruit to hang which will then allow air to circulate and prevent rotting and other problems - hopefully!

 If this trellis works well next year I will build a more solid structure that can still be removed and stored away.

I got some more help from my garden buddy yesterday too. I'm not sure what he was actually helping with but he did a good job of getting all tangled up

Just look at my once lovely garden grass (insert gutted face). It's a good job I love our dogs isn't it!
Crikey look at the state of the garden border behind him, that's how far behind I am on the gardening due to that stupid flu - Grrrrrrr!


  1. I am trying my cukes up a trellis this garden beds look worse than yours I think and they are still buried under a foot of snow...

    1. Snow still! You poor thing. So far this year we've been lucky and haven't had much but it's turned much colder this week so I think we may have some coming :(
      I'll be popping in regular to Gardens Eye View to see how you fare with your Cucumber trellis :) Good luck


  2. I made a start on the Cucumber trellis though. I've tried many ways of supporting Cucumber over the years from stringing them up to letting ...


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