
Friday 15 March 2013

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

I wanted to take part in the 'Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - March 2013" over at 'May Dreams Gardens' and as the whole idea is to photograph what is blooming in your garden at that particular moment I eagerly headed outside with the camera.
Guess what's bloomin in my garden right now?  (I interpret this to mean a flower of some kind)
Nothing, nada, zilch!
I was however quite suprised to see so much new growth on many of the plants because I had assumed everything was still dormant (it looked it from a distance), but no flowers or even a flower bud to show for my efforts. Darn it!
All is not lost though because I noticed this little statement on carols blog "It’s easy to join in. Just post on your own blog about what's blooming in your garden right now, outdoors or indoors. You can include pictures, lists, common names, botanical names, whatever you’d like to do to showcase your blooms."
I may not have anything flowering outside but inside I have some tulips bought for me by my daughter. Granted they're only flowering because they're shop bought stems but they do have a flower, so technically I have something to post - which is a good thing because I've waited a fair few days to join in with this.

So here's my bloomin flowers

Hopefully next month things will have caught up a little but I guess that is going to depend on whether we suffer with a cold snap that could very well damage those plants that are trying to wake up after the winter.


  1. LoVe your indoor blooms... thought I was in the same boat until I discovered one tiny bloom. Yes! Happy GBBD!

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! Cut flowers are great to get some colours in the house while waiting for the plants in the garden to start flowering, but if you plan a bit for the years to come, you can have plants in flower every month of the year, even in Scotland :-)

  3. Linda, We're still getting snow in New England, too, so no blooms yet in my garden. Thank goodness one of my potted amaryllis bulbs decided to bloom in March, giving me something to post for bloom day! -Jean

  4. Happy Bloom Day! So glad to meet you on Blotanical. The Tulips are lovely, and your photos are fantastic!

  5. Oh those tulips bring some sunshine even though it is gray again today.

  6. The great thing about Bloom Day is that you can enjoy blooms on the other side of the globe while yours are resting. I look forward to visiting when my garden goes quiet in the next months over our winter in Australia.


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