
Sunday 24 March 2013

The Forest Boyz.

Please forgive me for posting a non garden/plant related topic today but I just couldn't resist this.
My daughters and I are horse mad and especially love the Friesian breed so you can imagine my delight when I came across 'The Forest Boyz' website. I decided that instead of moaning yet again about the weather (which hasn't changed btw)  I would share some amazing images of The Forest Boyz - a feel good post if you like.

"Meike, Menno & Saphire are Friesian stallions that live together in a bachelor herd in the forests of the Northern California coast. Meike (Feike x Leffert – 2004) & Menno (Feike x Sjaard – 2004) are half-brothers that have been raised together. I have the great privilege of being their caretaker, along with our beloved Saphire (Rintse x Yk – 2005). He is owned by Catherine de Bellou and her husband Chris. He is attending Forest Boyz camp till Mountain View is big enough to hold him. They are the best of friends and good medicine to all that know them. They never fail to entertain."  Laura Zugzda

How amazingly gorgeous are those boys and what an amazing sight that would be, to see them free and natural. I'll most definitely be checking out 'The Forest Boyz' regularly for updated photographs of Meike, Manno & Sapphire.

Normal garden related posting will resume tomorrow.


  1. I enjoyed this "feel good" post. I love horses, and how amazingly beautiful are these three!

    1. They're gorgeous aren't they, I so wish they were mine.
      Thank you for popping by :)


  2. Oh my goodness, what an absolute treat for me, on my very first visit too! Adorable pictures....I'll have to skip across and read the blog where you got these from now!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog today.xxxxx

  3. I thought these were your horses! So gorgeous! I love how wild they are. :o)

  4. Well, Blogger has decided to not let me reply to any comments so I'm having to post one instead.
    Snowbird, you are most welcome, i enjoy your blog :)
    Casa Mariposa. I wish! lol

    Thank you for popping by.


  5. Absolutely gorgeous horses and stunning shots with those amazing manes.

    1. I so wish they were mine Donna, they are magnificent aren't they!


  6. Thank you so much for the stunning horse photos. I thought I was over horses (health, and money issues, etc) till I saw the Forest Boyz. They brought many tears to my eyes. I know they are very expensive, but I can still drool over them, and be in awe. Thanks again. ~ Claudia


Thank you for popping by, if you'd like to leave a message that would be awesome and I try to respond to all messages :)