
Saturday 30 March 2013

What have I started

That's exactly what I was asking screaming at myself this morning.
You see yesterday I decided on a whim that it was the day I was going to build my 3 bay compost area. Originally I was going to build it on a fresh area of land next to the polytunnel but I didnt think I would have all the materials I would have needed to do that and so because I am the sort of person who wants what I want when I want it, I started looking around at what I could adapt to fit.
At first I figured I shouldn't dismantle the plant pot holder I made a few years back out of old pallets

but then I figured 'what the heck', I didn't use it that much last year and anyways it just encourages me to keep stuff in small pots for too long plus the current plastic compost bin is in a bay directly to the right of the pallet pot holder.
So I ripped the whole thing apart!
Well it seemed like a good idea at the time and when I went in last night with an unfinished project on my mind I was quite oblivious as to how awkward the project would prove to be. It wouldn't have been at all awkward if I'd just started the darned thing from scratch but the way I was doing it (making it up as I go along) meant alot of hand sawing and attempting to make the whole thing at least look level (no spirit level was involved - too much hassle when I just want a job 'done').
When I eagerly walked over this morning to continue the job this is what I was faced with

That is so not how I remember leaving it last night.
After alot of jaw gaping and confusion I set to work to get the entire thing finished today. The  thing that makes my projects so unpredictable and messy is that I never ever EVER work from a plan, not even in my head in this instance. I literally made the whole thing up as I went along and finding materials to fit the mess I had created was getting a bit annoying, it has to be said.
Eventually (when I left it this afternoon) it looked like this

It's not finished. I still need to add wooden slats to the two end pallets to keep the compost in (I only got round to doing the middle bay) and I need two more decent pallets for gates but it'll do the job.
Now I'm hoping I can finally get some decent compost going because the stuff I've been making over the last couple of years is pretty naff.
I had a plastic bin in that right hand bay and I emptied it all into the middle bay but after being in the plastic bin for approx 18 months this is what it looked like

Seriously slow at rotting down and absolutely no heat.
I'm hoping the bigger bays combined with better chopping up of materials will get me some of the good stuff. I haven't made lids for the bays so I'm going to keep an eye on them and cover with polythene if I think they need it.


  1. Hahahahaha, you're a girl after my own heart. I do exactly the same thing and NEVER learn. But hey! Respect, it looks brilliant. xxxxx

    1. Thanks lol. You'd think we'd learn to plan and make life easier wouldnt you lol but hey, it always turns out right in the end.
      Thanks for popping by.


  2. I'm not surprised there was no heat but I bet you were sweating (sorry glowing).

    I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end

    1. I'm hoping it will be Sue but I need to do some research on composting.

      Thanks for stopping by :)


  3. Considering you made it up as you went along, I'm impressed! I tend to jump into projects, too. I just get excited to get it started and done so I can use it or stand there staring at it, feeling proud. LOL! :o)

    1. So much more exciting that way isn't it. If I planned something I think I'd put so much into it that I'd be frightened of ever starting it lol. Best to just get out there and start and see where it goes



  4. I have a had time with my compost piles, too. I have one pile in a plastic bin that I swear looks exactly like your pile! I hope your new compost bins work much better. It looks fantastic! I am impressed with your skills. I could have never put all that together even if I had had step-by-step instructions!

    1. I'm doing some reading up on composts cos I thought it would be as easy as chucking stuff in the bin and collecting at the bottom - wrong!
      I bet you could build you stuff you know. A few years ago I would have said exactly the same as you but I soon learned how - you could too :)

      Thanks for stopping by


  5. Well done you. I think you just underestimated how big a job it was but it looks fab now. I got rid of my plastic compost bin about a month ago. It was Ok at producing compost although the stuff was a little slimmy. I now have 3 wooden bins, I find the stuff rots down slower but it is of a better quality. I dont have lids on mine which may slow things down but I wonder whether them being open to the elements helps make more friable stuff.

    1. I'll be interested to see how your compost comes along Helen. I've left the lid off mine too (actually I didnt make one lol) so I'm not sure how it's going to work - very slowly I suspect.
      I know what you mean about those plastic bins though, I emptied another one today that was pretty much as uncomposted as the last one.
      Thank you for popping by and leaving a comment.


  6. Well, if you get results like this with just making it up as you go along, think what you could do with a plan! Well on second thoughts that may well spoil it. Looks like you had even more fun writing about it all. Thanks for dropping by my place recently, did that come across in a proper manner, well you know what I mean.

    1. lol, Alistair. Plans and me never work well together, mainly because I decide on a whim what I'm actually going to do that day. See, I dont even plan what I'm going to0 make never mind have a plan for the when I do decide what to make.

      Thanks for commenting



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