
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Plants a'thrivin

 "Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get" - Mark Twain

Yet again the weather has shortened my day out in the garden, rain doesn't bother me so much but I just cannot stand wind, especially a cold one. Of all the things that is 100% guaranteed to have me legging it back indoors it's the wind, I don't know what it is that I hate about it (other than earache of course) but it even ruins any time spent in the polytunnel and greenhouse due to the flapping polythene or the greenhouse plastic roof making a racket - I hate it.
However, before I let it send me back indoors today I did wander to the polytunnel and quickly take some photos of the plants that are doing so well in there at the moment. These are all plants that I'm hoping to get planted out this year but the ground doesn't look like it will be ready for them until next year.

Aucuba Japonica - You gotta love those spotty dotty leaves.

Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven' - First one of these I've ever had and I'm amazed by the pink tinge to the leaves. I can't wait for the flowers to open.

Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' - I have other Heucheras planted out but I love the deep purple of these leaves. It'll look amazing planted with something very green like the Fatsia in the background.

Hosta 'Golden Tiara' - Look at those leaves. I took a photo of this particular Hosta because the slugs really reeeeeeally like this plant and it may not look good for very long. The other half of this Hosta was planted in another tub and that one is actually throwing up flower stems.

I just had to take a picture of this jug that I grow sempervivums(?) in. I bought the jug as one of those jug and wash bowl sets from a car boot years ago because I love the Blue Iris but I broke the bowl and so figured I'd have to grow something in the jug instead of leaving it in the bathroom looking all pathetic by itself.

Trachycarpus Fortunai - I initially tried to grow this outside but a summer wind or two obliterated the leaves so for the last year I've kept it in the polytunnel and those leaves are all renewed and gorgeous looking.

Sharing this post with 'A Southern Daydreamer - Outdoor Wdnesday'


  1. It's funny- when I was teaching the children were always more unsettles on windy days!

    Love the polemonium colouring. Can you try a defensive moat for your hostas. Sot your pot on an upturned saucer in a tray filled with water,

    1. My daughter is the same with the wind Sue, really sets our teeth on edge. Strange!
      I've never heard of that slug control method but I'm definitely going to give it a try. Thank you


  2. Great selection of pretty plants. Don't think I have seen the Stairway to Heaven before - so pretty!
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
    Enjoy your evening.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Glenda :)


  3. I too loathe the wind......I hare my hair in my eyes!!!

    What a lovely selection of plants there, all so healthy looking. I do love that little

    1. Ach! Windy hair! Hate it!
      Thank you for your lovely comments Snowbird :)


  4. I have the straight species of Jacob's Ladder. The Stairway to Heaven variety is lovely.

  5. Just love Heucheras....not seen this one before but love that rich colour. I agree about the wind (and I'm not a heat fan either)...loevly photos :-)

  6. Your foliage is looking so fresh and lush. I have finally had good weather so I can get back out, plant and clean in the garden.


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