
Thursday 16 May 2013

Humble pie

Yup, humble pie doesn't taste so good but today I had to eat my share.
Let me explain, I have made quite some noise lately to Mr TG that the new pond on the new garden is to my specifications. Mr TG offered his thoughts and ideas but me being me I stuck to my idea because that's what I had drawn up on my plan - NO deviation from the plan people!
Today I found myself digging out for the sleeper edges with a hand trowel. I kid you not - a hand trowel!
I was half way through this tedious task when I suddenly came to the conclusion that sleeper edges were going to look naff - well the idea of a wood coping on the top was naff anyways.
But what was the solution?
As much as I hated to admit it I knew we were going to have to go with one of Mr TG's ideas, the idea that I ridiculed and suggested he keep his ideas to himself because I had a plan.
Sheepishly I approached Mr TG and explained my dilemma and he agreed to drop his own project and help me get the pond back on track (he made me grovel for it first though I assure you).
Course, him being male and all meant that he couldn't just do what needed to be done - oh no, no no, he had to moan and state "I told you so" numerous times and just for kicks he made sure I was well aware how much he was helping me as he wallowed in mud which apparently wouldn't have been there if I had listened to him in the first place.

Here he is digging out, it doesn't quite pick up the self righteous gloat he had plastered on his mug but you get the picture

The pond is actually deeper than it looks, enough to house a couple of fish anyways. I've handed the pond over to Mr TG now cos I've had enough of it!

It's that time of year when the local farmers are busy with the lambs in the fields behind us and usually I get quite fraught when I hear the farmer whistling their dogs because our feckless pooches tend to go ballistic along a fence they could quite easily jump over if the fancy took.  We now have a fenced area that they can't get out of though so it was nice to actually watch the farmer at work with his dogs, lord only knows how much training it must take

The farmer once asked me if I would give him a hand to move his sheep with our German Shepherd because our dogs barking was preventing his dog from working. Course I jumped at the chance and jumped into the field with Atlas who often shows a tendency at the fence to want to eat the sheep.
I couldn't believe the difference in Atlas when he was actually in the field with the sheep though, he was petrified of them. We managed to get the job done but I was so embarrassed how Atlas wanted to drag me away from the sheep every time they moved. Least I know he'd probably never attack them!


  1. Oh dear, that gloating must have been hard to take! Hopefully you'll get a pond you're happy with, as a consolation. How lovely to be able to see the fields and the sheep being worked.

    1. It is lovely here Lyn, I so often moan because I don't have the garden I want and I do miss the English countryside but I have to admit the views we have here are amazing and we're surrounded by sheep and cows.
      Thank you for stopping by


  2. And with a name like Atlas too - good luck with the pond - what type pf fish are you going for?

    1. Well Sue, judging by the monstrosity this pond is tuning into i.e the mess I made of levels etc I would say nothing more than one goldfish - and we'll see if it survives lol. I certainly don't think hubby will be replacing his Koi stock that the Otter ate put it that way.
      I'm so glad I've handed it to hubby lol.


  3. How wonderful that you've handed the pond over, looking at all those stones I'd would have quit ages ago!!!

    Lol, the story about Atlas made me smile. He really is a beauty.xxxx

    1. Yes, I told hubby that seeing as the pond was intended for him anyway he may as well build it, or at least try to make something of the mess I made lol and it IS a mess.

      Oh the antics Atlas has gotten up to over the years, honestly you wouldn't believe it lol.


  4. I have had to hand over projects to the hubby as I know my limits will love that pond once it is done. How sweet having lambs close by.


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