
Monday 27 May 2013

Tantrums and pergolas

I really wasn't looking forward to tackling the pergola again yesterday, in fact I headed straight for the polytunnel and decided I wasn't going to bother - it was the thought of taking apart the work I'd already done for the sake of the 1/2" I was out in measurements.
By the the time I'd finished in the PT though I decided I may as well give it a go, well you can imagine how well it went with a 'give it a go' attitude can't you.
I re-measured and re-measured, took everything apart and re-built to my exact new measurements - nothing could go wrong!
I began erecting the structure and despite bracing the darned thing with battens I could not get the structure square - one side kept pulling the other side out and vice versa.
Mr TG who decided to go to work yesterday due to the nice weather (he's been rained off alot lately) received some very choice texts along the lines of

"This stupid $%£*ing pergola will not square up"  followed shortly by
"I don't want a pergola anymore"

By this time I had had a right royal tantrum and was kicking grass and throwing tools. Only the night before Mr TG had reminded me sarcastically what I say to him in his fits of "Bo$$ox to the whole thing". "Remember what you tell me" says Mr TG "there's no point having a childish tantrum just walk away and leave it"
Well Mr TG I offer advice all the time doesn't mean I follow it!

Anyway I did take a deep breath and figured I'd get the top permanent braces cut, fix them and see from there.
Suddenly it all took shape, the top braces fixed the sides at the correct spacings and once I'd finally managed to get the sides spirit level straight I fixed em toot sweet with 6" nails.
I'd hoped to get it completely finished but I was starting to make silly mistakes on the top cross sections and wasted 2 lengths of wood so I called it a day.
Here's where it's at at the moment

All built from scrap wood which makes it all the more pleasing and I'm so glad I stuck at it now.
Mr TG was most impressed when he got home cos he thought he was going to see a new pile of firewood - O ye of little faith Mr TG - I call myself tenacious for a reason.


  1. I think you've done a good job - you sound a bit like Martyn when he thinks things aren't working out!

    1. Lol Sue. It's probably a first for me, I'd usually walk away but I really want to get this up and finished so I can get the trellis up and then get plants in.
      Thank you for liking my works so far :)


  2. It looks great. I'd definitely have given up, I only need a flimsy excuse to down tools and put my feet up. Well done for sticking at it.

    1. Thank you Jo :) I'm looking forward to finishing it tomorrow, fingers crossed the weather is nice!

      Thank you for stopping by


  3. I am MOST impressed! It's looking brill, I wish I could make something but I'm useless with tools!xxxx

    1. Thank you Snowbird :) But you don't need to be good with many tools to do this - a hand saw and a hammer is pretty much it, oh and some patience and perserverance too lol.

      Thank you for popping by


  4. Looks just like Fyrish to me!

    1. Well lets hope it lasts just as long as the Fyrish minument at Alness then Mal lol. It's looking good so far, it survived yesterdays winds ;)
      Thank you for popping by Mal


  5. I must say it is looking wonderful and I love the look fo the garden area...even with all the pain it has caused, it is lovely!!

    1. Thank you so much Donna :) Fongers crossed it will be finished today and I may even have fixed the trellis too :)

      Thank you for stopping by Donna


  6. Nice work. I'm very impressed. Looks very professional. Sometimes you neede a tantrum to get properly focused.


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