
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Veggie season is finally here!

Veggies are finally growing on the plot, albeit in the polytunnel because the weather is still too unpredictable to put anything out.
The second sowing of Sweetcorn 'Incredible' (to replace the first sowing that all died) were well rooted in their root trainers and ready to go into their bottomless pots

Sweetcorn usually do very well growing this way in the polytunnel. The centre bed I grow them in is closest to the door so the breeze that comes through does a great job of pollinating them - plus I always give them a gentle shake at the correct time. We usually get 2 cobs per plant growing them this way and the difference from supermarket bought ones is unbelievable.

The Onions 'Stuttgart' are romping away too - this is the first time I've had even this amount of success growing Onions so needless to say I'm quite excited about this.

The Cauli's, Broccolli, Cabbage and Swede are all going through the hardening off stage so hopefully they'll be able to go out very soon - fingers crossed.
The Leeks won't be able to go out for a while and I can't sow the Parsnips yet because the ground is still too cold. I think I'll get some plastic tunnels erected this week to warm the soil up and then I should be able to sow the Parsnip sooner than if I don't use the tunnels.
The Climbing French Beans are really ready to get planted out but I just can't risk it yet, I just hope they don't suffer a check in growth or sulk because they're ready already.
The Courgettes are planted in the tunnel but the outdoor ones will have to wait a little longer and the Cucumbers will remain in their current pots until their roots a little stronger.
Veggie season is finally upon us!

I also got round to building the bird feeding station on the back garden. So far I've only seen Sparrows on it and although I built the feeder in a corner to prevent the Rooks wanting to eat all the food, as I type this I can see huge shadows flying around the feeder - I daren't go and look!

A while ago Mr TG came home with a surprise for me - we all love surprises right? I loved, loved loved this surprise.
2 of these

They are huuuuuge and I can't really decide what to grow in them because they're going to need something big or they'll just look silly.
I thought maybe a Gunnera in one of them as I have one in a pot that really needs to be re-potted this year and this container would certainly be adequate.
Maybe a Rhododendron for the second one? I have some that will grow to 3 metres or so and would provide an evergreen structure for the patio.


  1. Sometimes I think a giant polytunnel over our whole plot would be a good idea, You can garden in all weathers can't you?

    1. Yes they certainly have their uses Sue. They do tend to get ridiculously hot in the summer so it's hard to work in them during the day but I really wouldn't be without one now.


  2. Nice bird feeder!

    1. Thank you :) The blinkin Rooks would agree with you lol.


  3. I love those giant wood well-looking containers. They look very heavy. They're gorgeous. Maybe something tall in the middle and flowers around? Let us know what you decide.

    1. They are ridiculously heavy kelli, so I'm going to have to make sure I set them in the right place before I fill them. lol.
      I'll certainly be posting piccies once they're full.


  4. Oh....I'm SO jealous of those gorgeous pots, they're amazing. Yes they would look good with something big in them.

    Your veggies seem to be coming along well, those onions look smashing. I'd love to grow sweetcorn but never have much luck with it.xxxx

    1. Thank you Snowbird :)
      It's a shame you can't grow Sweetcorn it's so much nicer home grown.

      Thank you for popping by


  5. Too unpredictable here too for me to plant anymore veggies out until next weekend. Love the feeding station and the buckets.


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