
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Coloured glass bird bath - easy to make

I always thought that whimsy's in the garden were not my thing, I mean I have the odd bird house hung up that I made myself but the rest of my garden structures aren't exactly whimsy (whatever that term really means anyway). Lately though I seem to have been faced with whimsy gardens via my FB news feed and I found myself becoming intrigued with the things people make from the most obscure items. I then found myself amazed that  the whimsy actually looked appealing to me  and wondering how I could reproduce it for my new garden - you know where this is going don't you, yup I made a whimsy.
My whimsy is a bird bath - something that up until now I haven't had - but not any old bird bath, this one is a fancy schmancy, totally whimsical, coloured glass birdtable. Easy to make too!

Very whimsical isn't it - I have a garden whimsy!

I made a bed in the polytunnel this year specifically for growing cut flowers - I love the amount of Sweet Pea I cut every year so I wanted to increase the range and planted Lily, Pinks, Cosmos and Echinacea, all of them are romping away and I've had my first cut of Pinks, Lilys and Peony (though the Peony plant only produced one flower this year)

I so wish we had smellovison because those Pinks (Doris & Grans favourite) filled the polytunnel with the most amazing perfume.

Everything seems to be growing as it should in the polytunnel except for the Cucumber - they seem very slow to get going. The Courgettes are already producing fruit though and the Sweetcorn seems to have grown a foot every day (though it hasn't of course).
I'll have to get some photos of the Pear fruit because some of them seem to be splitting and maybe one of you guys could tell me why. I know erratic watering can cause splitting in Tomatoes but I'm quite on top of the watering so I don't think that's the issue.

I'm sharing this post over at these cool blogs

Tilly's Nest 
Victoria Lavender 
The chicken chick 
The dedicated house 
Back to the basics


  1. So was the whimsy a kit - I expected to see something made by gluing wine bottles together!

    Inconsistent watering can cause pears to split but you don't think it's that do you? Pear scab can be another cause.

    By the way I've just posted about perfume too.

    1. Not a kit Sue, I just glued a vase to the bottom glass tray with hubbys clear silicon, glued another vase to the first one and chucked a bowl on the top. I didn't know if the silicon would hold it but it's set solid.
      Now then, glueing wine bottles together eh? Well, I hadn't thought of that but I may just have to some up with something:)
      The problem with the pear may be water after all because I checked it today and despite me thinking I'm giving them plenty of water, they were bone dry. Least I hope that's what it is :(

  2. I'm a lover of whimsey.....and I love your bird bath. I'm even more impressed now I know it's not a kit!

    I too wish we had some sort of scentovsison on the computers.....Oh I do love pinks!xxxx

    1. I didn't even know they did such kits Snowbird lol. Hubby looked a bit perplexed when I explained the plan but bless him he went along with it - quietly!

  3. Wow that certainly is a fancy bird table :) I'm not a fan of whimsy myself, but it looks like the birds are going to be bathing in style this summer in your garden.

    1. Well I didn't think I was a fan either Gra, I always thought they looked tacky, but seriously you should see all the stuff I'm eyeing up outside now lol. It's amazing what a bit of whimsy does to you lol.

  4. I love the bird bath! Doris Pinks are a favourite little flower of mine, too. I wish I'd grown Sweet Peas this year, I do love them but my seeds are still in the packets. And I'm glad most of your veggies are thriving, I think mine are still a bit behind because I was so late starting them.

    1. I got my first picking of Sweet pea today Wendy :)
      the late starting veg will soon catch up with a bit of warmth :)

  5. I love that bird bath. I am wanting a bird bath for a long time but they either do not look good or simply too costly. So, how did you make that bath? Help please.

    1. KL it was so simple. I used a silicon sealant (clear) to the base of the bottom vase and stuck it to the glass plate that is the base. I then used the same sealant to stick another vase (upside down) to the first one and then finally stuck the glass bowl to what ends up being the base of the top vase. I then left it a good 48 hours and the whole thing was solid.
      I felt the bowl was a little deep for the birds so I added some pebbles before the water.
      I'm now looking to make some whimsy bugs to add to it.

      I hope that made sense to you and that you make your own little whimsy bird bath - would love to see it if you do :)

  6. A great project indeed....really like it and your garden is producing already...mine is producing peas and plants are starting flowers...maybe another month and we will harvest veggies.

    1. It seems like we've waited an eternity for those veggies doesn't it Donna - not long now! :)

  7. What a beautiful bird bath you have and in such a beautiful garden. I so enjoy watching the birds and I bet they are really enjoying 'your space'. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  8. This beautiful Bird Bath create a stunning impact for your home outdoor garden. Thanks for sharing with us.


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