
Monday 3 June 2013

Life is good!

Well the weather certainly seems to have finally decided to get into the spirit of Spring, the days have been glorious here - dare I say....warm - and the wind has even realised it's unwanted.
The garden is really beginning to take shape now and my polytunnel certainly looks better for all the room now I've got so many plants into the ground.

Talking of the polytunnel though there's been a few calamities alongside the successes

These Cucumbers should be romping away by now but the slugs are having their evening meal dining on their leaves, despite the slug pellets I reluctantly put down

They're also munchin away on the Cauli's in the tunnel too.

I always swore that the slugs could do their will but I refuse to go out with a torch at night picking the blighters off their chosen meal, but I think I maybe changing my mind on that one.

At least they're not interested in the Onions, this is the first year after many of trying that I have managed to get an onion do this

The sweetcorn are being left to romp along as well

Believe it or not these Tomato plants are the healthiest I've ever produced as well. They may not be the biggest around but I'm quietly optimistic that I'll get some decent fruits and as I've never grown 'Roma' or 'Black Russian'  I'm looking forward to trying them.

I hope the sun is shining for you, wherever you may be!


  1. It certainly is Linda - I have e red shoulder. Fortunately not painful red - I may even have to root out the sunscreen. Those slugs and in our case snails too are number 1 pests!

    1. That was me Linda - still logged into my husband's YouTube account!!

    2. Lol Sue. I'm glad you're seeing some of that sun too, make the most of it while it's here I say cos we don't know how long it will last.
      Your husband has a youtube account? Blinkin eck Wayne can't even switch a computer on lol.
      Remember to slap on plenty of sunscreen sue.


    3. He does but we both upload to it. He also has his own blogs and websites.

  2. Your veg looks good despite the slug attack. The tomatoes look super. I've tried everything to get rid of slugs and snails, including using a piece of board laid in the garden, then I pick up the board regularly to catch the slugs that sleep under it.

    1. Think I'll have to try that method Kelli, thanks for that :)


  3. They look so lovely; I get excited whenever I see such bounties, promises of more bounties in the future. Darn slugs! they are active in my garden as well..grrrrr..

    1. Try Kelli's method above KL, I'm going to and if it works then I'll be one happy bunny :)

  4. Makes my new veg beds look rather pathetic! Oh for a polytunnel. You need to train your Mr TG to do night time 'snail bashing'. My Mr TG has his own 'special' torch for seeking out the critters. :-)

    1. Have to admit that the polytunnel has been a godsend, even more so than the greenhouse. I was reluctant to get one so big initially because of the cost but I'm so glad I went along with Mr TG :) They do get a tad hot and unworkable on some days but that's a small price to pay.
      No need for a torch Jane I'm trying Kelli's method of cardboard :)


  5. OH NO! POOR CAULIES!!!Everything else is looking tickity boo though! I wish mine was!xxxx


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