
Saturday 13 July 2013

DIY Firepit

I've not posted all week but I do have a good excuse - when I lifted that heavy Fucshia planter during the week I think I popped a disc in my back. I've self medicated with Tramadol all week but the pain is still unbelievable and the only position that offers any relief is lying on my side - not very convenient as my sister is here till Monday and I need to be active. I'm finally admitting defeat though and going to the docs Monday as soon as I can get in.

Anyway remember months ago when I said I wanted a fire pit for the garden? Do you remember me also asking Mr TG to dismantle and old washing machine so that I could make said firepit from the drum? Well the project is finished and the fire pit made its debut at our BBQ last night - I'm so pleased with it.

So easy to make too. In fact the hardest part was having to take it apart from the machine but Mr TG persevered with that.
Then all I did was give it a couple of coats of fire paint that we already had for our log burner and then sat the drum on the concrete ring that also came out the machine.
The heat this thing gave off was brilliant and it's going to be a real boon in the colder months.

That's all I have for today folks because I'm in pain. I hope y'all are enjoying a warm weekend.


  1. A triumph! Must admit when I saw the title of the post I smiled as I sit here sweating!

    1. I'm glad it's nice and sunny for you Sue, bloomin cloudy nd windy here :(

  2. Ha, I'm with Sue above, saw the title and thought, firepit? I'm sweating here too, ha. BUT the firepit is brilliant. I'm going to need to do some googling on that. I'm great at painting and putting it in place and making it all look good, but dismantling a washer, not so much. After seeing this though, I might just have to learn. Thanks for sharing.

    And hope you feel better soon!

    1. Must admit dismantling the machine was a palaver and I would have probably given up. Def need the firepit here though cos the weather is cloudy and windy - may even rain :(

  3. Brilliant recycling Linda! Sometimes recycled can look a bit naff but this is gorgeous! Love the fact that it even sits on the concrete ballast disc, fantastic idea! Hope the sun comes out for you soon, a bit sweltering here in the South (sorry to rub it in!!)

  4. Oh good heavens! Don't let my other half read this post...we've got thru' so many washing machines over the years. Don't put ideas in his head...but do get well soon x

  5. Hope your back gets better soon.

    We made a firepit the exact same way a few years ago... doesn't it give off great heat! Come to think of it I haven't seen it for ages, I wonder what happened to it.
    Julie :o)

  6. Oh you poor thing, get better soon!

    I LOVE your fire pit/burner, how creative!!!xxxx

  7. So clever!! Hope you're feeling better and given amazing meds! :o)


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