
Saturday 14 September 2013

Be careful what you wish for!

I have moaned quite a lot lately to Mr TG regarding the lack of scrap wood I currently have, in fact I don't remember my supplies ever being this low - non existent actually.
With this lack of scrapwood in mind you can imagine my horror as we pass a derelict barn that is being renovated and every time the scrapwood pile seems to be growing and growing, it's obvious from the design of the pile that the guy is intending to burn the stuff too - probably on bonfire night.
I finally begged, grovelled convinced Mr TG to pop in one day and just find out whether the owner would mind me hauling as much of it away as I can. Apparently Mr TG claims he did pop in but that the wood is so naff that even I wouldn't use it, it's just old lath out of an old building and it's rotting and no good for nothing but a bonfire. I was gutted because that bonfire looks like it's getting larger by the day!
I've noticed some of the wooden reels that electric cable arrives on at the same guys house so I'm currently begging grovelling convincing Mr TG to go ask about them for me, in the mean time I just kept moaning and moaning and moaning about my lack of scrap wood and all the containers I need to make for the garden.
It would seem that Mr TG actually does listen though and does take on board my problems and even tries to sort something out for me - I only want scrap wood. New wood is a waste of money and doesn't have the same appeal to me, I want to produce something for no cost - but his latest solution wasn't quite what I had in mind.
While I was out collecting my daughter from work Mr TG had a delivery of scrap wood arrive at home, the only problem with this particular scrap wood is......well.....take a look

At first I wasn't sure whether it was an act of kindness, sarcasm or evilness but then I had to admit I've moaned so much lately about needing wood - even pallets - that Mr TG was just doing something nice. It seems his friend has a waste licence and redirected a container load of wood at his request, Mr TG had hoped there would be some sleepers included because the stuff comes from SubSea 7 and that's where we got 50 or so sleepers from earlier in the year but it seems the sleepers have to go straight to landfill now. We assume it's because they're treated and therefore not 'clean' wood but it seems such a shame.
The initial horror of being greeted with 15mtrs of dumped pallet soon made way to excitement as I worked out all the things I could make once they're taken apart - sheds, fences, pots etc but then reality dawned and I understood that I was going to be the one taking these things apart.
I don't know if you've ever tried taking a pallet apart before but it's nigh on impossible, the wood just splits or snaps rendering it no good for anything but burning.
So I had a dilemma to think through!
Not for long though - look what I found on FB

Sounded too good to be true so I watched the Youtube video

Yup, I had to get me one of those!
I emailed Gareth (the maker) straight away and he gave me the price £45 plus shipping costs of £17.50 and said he would ship immediately from Norwich.
I'm now waiting for my bar to arrive and then I'll show Mr TG just how quickly I can dismantle a pallet - I mean even forget to mention that I have a tool for the job lol.


  1. You could make a fantastic bug hotel with those pallets - in fact if you lived nearer I'd take one or two off your hands!

  2. What will they think of next?! How fantastic that you found the pallet dismantler - I would have never thought to look for one! Have fun dismantling all those pallets!


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