
Friday 6 September 2013

Everything is golden.

Oh Lordy I have discovered spray paint!
During a recent trip to Inverness I bought a can of Plasti Kote spray paint in a coppery gold colour to spray some old plastic 10ltr paint tins so I could use them as plant containers, but once I got home I couldn't wait for the buckets to be cleaned and dried enough to spray them so I experimented on some old plastic Terracotta effect pots I had - I never use these pots (or the plastic green ones) because I just don't like the look of them (don't actually understand why I ever bought them to be honest) and let me just say I am now hooked on this spraying lark.
Nothing is now safe from a coat of Plasti Kote and while I haven't a clue as to how long this stuff will last I'm having a blast spraying stuff.

Here's a couple of old terracotta plastic plant pots, an old Green one and a bust that was originally a boring white - all have been glammed up.

Had to add some glamour to the potting bench I recently made. The bust sits perfectly on the ledge, the metal garden find (an axle?) now looks even more like a sun than it did before and just look at the bucket hooked on to the shed!

This is one of those Brass/copper/tin tourist souvenirs that you get from Turkey or Tunisia - I suspect this was from Turkey or maybe even somewhere like Tobruk when my family were stationed there. Originally I'd sprayed it cream but it looked really naff so I gave it a go with the Plasti Kote and I love how it still shows the pattern beneath the colour. I have another one of these buckets and also a funny shaped vase of the same pattern that I may have to spray, in fact I may even feel another whimsy garden ornament coming on.

Unfortunately there's more to do around here than just spray paint everything in sight and top of my list had to be to clear the polytunnel out.
The sweetcorn has finished cropping, the Tomatoes and given way to blight and the Pear tree had to be stripped of its fruit due to scab.
I'd been putting this chore off for days because I cut the Sweetcorn down in a moment of madness a few days previous and had just left everything in a complete mess when I had to stop due to the rising temperature in the tunnel.

Not a pretty sight.
Unfortunately the day I decided to finish the clear up the temperature in the tunnel was still pretty hot and was increasing by the minute despite having both doors open - the only way to do it was to work for 10 minutes then take a breather outside. I'm thinking next year that I'm going to grow a grape vine in the tunnel to add some shading to one end of it.
Got the job done though. The sweetpea to the left is still looking scraggly and naff but I want to harvest the seed so I'm leaving it for now and the Apple tree to the bottom right desperately needs some kind of supporting cage so that's definitely a job for the winter.


  1. I love the jazzy spray paint and your potting bench looks fab.

    You have so much room in that tunnel....I'd love one.xxxx

  2.'s like a scene from a James Bond movie. Fabulous potting bench.... and I have Polytunnel envy. Have a groovy weekend x


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