
Monday 30 September 2013

Silence in the garden

Not much has been going on in the garden this past week as my mum has been visiting and I'd feel a bit rude going outside and getting lost in chores out there.
I've been out to deadhead a few roses etc and to water a few plants in the polytunnel but that's about the extent of it.
Mr TG on the other hand has made a start on turning over some more of the land - he completed a huge area in the spring which is now laid to grass but had to give up once the summer hit and everything was growing quicker than he had the time to clear.
It's all go now that Autumn has arrived though but I don't envy him the work involved with rotovating, weeding, raking, flattening etc of these areas.

I've been assured that this will look just as green and lush as that in the background soon enough. Once it is though he has to continue right down the land to that tallest tree to the far left of the picture - rather him than me!

My daughter got me a few more goodies out of the skip at work, it's always touch and go as to whether they will survive but I've had brilliant results so far. It's also a bit of a puzzle working out what some of the plants are because they're removed of all pots and ID tags before they hit the skip.
I currently have a cold frame full of plants with no name - I can ID some of them but not all of them

There's a couple of quite big Fuchsia in there, a Dianthus cutting that I actually managed myself and a heck of alot of what looks like Mint though I'm not sure what sort. Also there is some kind of perennial plant that I can't ID. (it's to the right hand side of the Fuchsia that's in the top left area ).
Here's a couple of what I think are Mint, I'm wondering if the flowers help to ID it.

On a completely different note, MrTG, Leanne and myself completed the Baxters Loch Ness 10k yesterday. Leanne managed a personal best time of 1hr 4mins and I managed a pb time of 1hr 11mins - Mr TG got the same time as me simply because he was my trainer, I feel sorry for him sometimes because he could easily run a 40 min 10k but he insists he's only in it to help me so I'm grateful for that because it really is down to him that I manage to get round.


  1. You certainly do well from that skip. Is the mystery plant some sort of potentilla. Is it woody!

    Well done on the run - it would take me 1 hour and 11 days! At least!

    1. lol Sue, thank you and it certainly felt like 1hr and 11 days ;)
      Yes, that plant is woody. I'm going to have to add photos when it's in flower I think cos I have no clue what it is.
      Ah, the skip! It's a wonderful thing lol

  2. Congrats on the run, I couldn't run my way out of a paper bag but could walk forever.
    Respect to Mr TG on the field he's working.....what a job eh?
    Lovely getting free plants.xxxx

  3. Congratulations on your run. OH is a runner - I am def not and prob never will be lol.

  4. Congrats!! I so love cold frames and want one.


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