
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Colourful Autumn and dodgy backs

Guess who's popped their back again!  Now I'm completely unable to do anything in the garden or in the craft room - awesome! NOT!!
I'm trying not to let it get me down again like last time and I've been determined not to spend all my time holed up on the bed, but to be honest I'm quite relieved when I do lay down cos it takes the pressure off my spine. I'm not even sure how I managed to pop it, I had a stiff spine for a couple of days (you know that feeling where you just feel you need to stretch it) and then suddenly over the span of ten minutes I got this intense pain that just kept getting worse and now I'm pretty much useless.
Anyhoo there's not much going on outside at the moment, the weather has been bloomin lovely for a fair few days now with not a breeze in sight and the sun really shining.
Thank fully I got the lawn mowed before my back problem hit so I've not felt compelled to do much, cept take piccies of course.

I don't remember the name of this Fuchsia but it's yet another one that is adding colour to the Autumn garden alongside 'Hawkshead', 'Tom Thumb' and 'Genii'.

This is the first Kaffir Lily I've grown. I don't think it'll survive the winter outside so it's just gonna have to be one of those pot plants I keep accumulating.

There are a couple of plants that just haven't produced blooms this year despite being usually generous bloomers, this Sea Holly is one of them - it's produced nothing despite being in full sun. The other variety of Sea Holly I have, both in the ground and in pots flowered very well but this particular variety seems to be sulking this year and hasn't offered one single flower from either those in the ground or those in pots.

These Willow have grown from whips I planted straight into the ground just 3 years ago. I was going to dig them all up at the beginning of this year because they just looked lanky and spindly so I chopped them right back until I got the chance to tackle them properly. By the time I came back to them they'd started to look half decent and less spindly so I decided to keep them for cuttings at the end of this year. I'm also going to be using the stems of these and the Dogwood to make wreaths this Christmas.


  1. Oh poor you. We have a Kaffir Lily in our puddle pond where it is hardy for us having survived the worst winter of a couple of years or so ago.

    1. That's interesting Sue, I was tempted to leave them outside somewhere sheltered and maybe I will once I've propagated them. The Asiatic Lilies survive out in the ground all the year round so perhaps there's a chance the Kaffir Lily will.

  2. sorry to hear about your back :(

    1. Thank you Stella. I'll get over it, I must have just pushed too much since recovering from the last slipped disc. That'll teach me huh. lol

  3. Oh sorry to hear that. You get better soon and make the most of it.xxxx


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