
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Nothing doing whatsoever.

There is literally nothing doing outside at the moment. On the days that are relatively calm the temperature drops so much it's just way too cold to be comfortable out there.
I'm in desperate need to clear the flower borders on the garden but the winds would make the whole task pointless - though thankfully we are not suffering any of the flooding that England is suffering, nor are we likely to.
Snow is forecast for tomorrow though - yay, not!!

With nothing doing outside I decided to take a look at my blog posts from this time last year and see what difference there is. Well that depressed me cos the blog is full of lovely images of Jamaican flora as we'd just come back from our hols. So then I went forward by a couple of weeks and that fared no better because I'd been ill with flu so couldn't get out there.

With no images of current gardening projects I decided to leave you with a couple of pix of the wind battering the sea wall up at Wick

Now I'm off to find something to blog about if the gardening doesn't pick up. I'm also going to panic because the lights are flashing due to the wind and if we get a power cut I'm not sure how the tropical fish tank is going to fare.


  1. Very dramatic photos - hope the fish are OK. I'm glad we don't flood - not only would it be a nightmare house and garden wise but the fish in our pond would be swept away/

  2. WOW! Those sea photos are stunning. They'll do for me any day.
    Stay dry & warm x


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