
Meet the TG crew

Great Dane Huntly, my best friend but not the best gardening mate as he has way too much energy and usually digs my flower beds, poops on all my plants and jumps the stock fencing to wander round the farmers fields. This guy is the instigator of alot of naughty activities and is happiest getting the rest of the dogs in trouble.

GSD Atlas aka Houdini because this boy could escape from Alcatraz and in fact has because that's the name we gave to his kennel and runs. Eventually after making his run completely escape proof he went one better and scaled the roof of his 8ft tall shed instead.
Atlas can now be found on the heels of Huntly getting up to as much trouble as Huntly can lure him into.

Kasa - the scruffy, cat poop eating Shih-Tzu. She may be small but she has a personality as big as the Great Dane and the cutest gorilla nose ever!

This is the newest member of the family - Lucy. A Cairn Terrier that has energy in bucketloads and is completely obsessed with stones and footballs.

Bob the Great Horned Owl. As you can see Bob is at his happiest in front of the camera - not!
Bob is a rescue owl.

Izzy the European Eagle Owl, doing what she does best - snacking!

Tommy another European Eagle Owl and Izzys sidekick.

Darla a common Buzzard. Darla is another rescue case and loves human company.

Barney the Barn Owl.

Missy the Silkie Hen with the only 2 chicks she has successfully reared. despite being very broody she seems happy to let the chicks freeze. The Blueish looking chick was actually near death at one point - it had froze. I picked it up to dispose of it but decided to warm it first just in case it was alive. Amazingly I felt a heartbeat and it started to move. I put her straight under Missy and she recovered instantly.

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Love the TG Crew! Glad I found your blog through blotanical- I'm your newest follower. Stop over and visit me sometime. Thanks, Sandi


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