
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Garden projects and another plant ID

Yesterday was my first  day of doing anything resembling 'real' gardening since popping a disc in my back, I'm not fully recovered but I think I did pretty darned well to hold back for 3 weeks so I thought 'why not give it a go'.
I'll admit I could have started with something less taxing on the back than shifting slabs and heavy pots (I never learn) and yes my back is sore today but I don't care, I had a blast!

It took me pretty much all day to complete 2 small jobs but hey ho I got there in the end. The first job was to replace this scaffold board walkway at the pond with something a tad better looking, obviously this involved plentiful weeding too but it's certainly improved it.
This is the before  (look at all those weeds - eek!)

And after - excuse all the mud/stone/weed right at the back, that whole area is going to be decked ........ eventually!

Next job was to pot up a climbing Fuchsia 'Mrs Boothby' and provide some kind of trellis for her to cling to. Originally I came up with this first trellis simply because it was lightweight and meant less bending etc for me

but I thought it look blah and that the Fuchsia would soon outgrown the trellis so I changed it. Whatever I put there has to be moveable until Mr TG has finished the Harling to the external walls and all I could find big enough and moveable was this

At first I liked it but the more I looked at it the less I liked the colour, the creamy first one looked much better against the wall and suited the plant better so I'm either going to spray this one ream (it's a metal bed frame incidentally) or I'm going to build a brand new one and paint it the cream I use all over the garden - 'Cuprinol garden shades - Old stone (I think)'.
I've hankered after a climbing Fuchsia for a while and I love it, obviously it will need protecting in the winter so will go in the poly tunnel but I can't wait to see how it performs next year - I may even attempt cuttings.

I have this lovely yellow plant flowering in the garden this year. I remember planting it last year but assumed it had died over winter, for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it - any ideas? I think it began with an 'S' but I could be wrong.

I'm supposed to be taking it easy today, supposed to be making a start on Christmas cards and I was happy to do that when the weather man claimed we'd have rain all day today, but there's no sign of rain and I want to make an outdoor potting bench - what to do, what to do!


  1. I think your plant is lysimachia vulgaris or yellow loosestrife.

    As for the trellis I do agree that the cream is better than black.

    And ... don't go doing too much and undoing the 3 weeks of boredom!

    1. Yes! That's the name of it, thank you Sue, I recognised it as soon as you said it :)
      I definitely think the trellis is getting changed.
      I didn't look at my rest that way Sue, I laways thought of suffering 3 weeks of boredom and didn't really look at it that I could be undoing those 3 weeks, I think I needed to hear that - Mr TG would definitely agree with you.

  2. The fushia looks really pretty; I like the metal climbing frame, its quite unique looking. Hope your back is better and keeps healthy.

    1. Lovely fuchsia isn't it. I think the metal frame will be used elsewhere (I actually have 2 of them) because I do agree with you that it looks different to your average trellis.
      Thank you for popping by and for the well wishes.

  3. That's a lovely looking path - you must be feeling very pleased with yourself but please don't overdo things!! I have suffered from lower back pain for most of my adult life and really should do regular pilates classes to help balance things but never seem to get round to it. It's only when my back starts to complain with pain that I take a step back and take things a bit easier! We never learn do we? Stay well and enjoy your garden!!

    1. I'm just like you Caro. I first slipped my disc working with horses when I was 17 and have had lower back issues ever since, I should have known better and should have listened to the twinges but I've gotten so used to general back ache that I ten to ignore it most of the time. Think I'll be more aware of what that back ache can lead to in the future.
      I hope your back is not preventing you from enjoying your garden.
      Thank you for popping by.

  4. I have loads of loosestrife in my garden it needs a firm hand at times :)

    1. Funny thing is now that I've gotten hold of some of it I'm seeing it in every local garden in the neighbourhood yet I'd not noticed it before.
      I'll bear in mind it may get a bit rampant but at least I have plenty of acreage for it to expand.
      Thank you for stopping by TSF.

  5. Woah woah woah! Take it easy gal!!! Lovely path, I also like the black frame, it's very individual and striking and has lovely shadows.xxxx

    1. Thank you Snowbird, I like the path too but I have noticed one of the slabs isn't level - what to do lol.
      I think the trellis will be used elsewhere as I'm going to build a new one for the Fuchsia.
      Thank you for stopping by

  6. Go slow so you don't injure get so much done for a sore back!


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