
Friday 2 August 2013

Landfill or Upcycle?

Thought I'd post an update while I wait for the rain to stop and I can get something productive done outside - not that I have much to update as I'm still recovering from a slipped disc, the garden is still full of weeds and I'm still losing veg by the day.

Still I have been managing to cut a record number of Cucumbers, yay! I don't usually have success with cucumbers and last years efforts resulted in a grand total of nil and unfortunately I can't remember the name of this variety - usually I record all this info but I fear that in my pessimism I didn't bother and now I haven't a clue what they are. I guess I'm going to have go way back in my blog and hope I recorded it on here all those months ago.

Also my onion crop has done fantastically and I'll definitely be growing loads more 'stuttgarter' next year, this is another first for me as Onions have always failed.

All this rest from gardening has left me with little else to do out there but take pictures, the problem is you can only take so many pictures of the same things before it gets tedious and anyway I still can't manoeuvre into proper positions for decent pictures.
Yesterday I was wandering around and found myself taking piccies of 'stuff' laying around that I thought I could put to good use, like these

My first idea was to use this as the top for my potting bench but I've changed my mind about that so I have to come up with another use for it before Mr TG makes a trip to landfill with it.

Mr TG came back with these the other day, he was supposed to be taking them to landfill on our next trip for our upholsterer friend. No way are these going to landfill, I am brimming with ideas for them.

This is another part of an old metal bunk bed. I've already used one bit as a trellis for a climbing Fuchsia and another part to make a trellis for a climbing Rose. My initial thought was to use it as a back for a potting bench but I'm not too sure now.

I cannot get enough of these rocks and we're unearthing loads of them. They're way bigger than they look on the photo and will be hard to shift but they're definitely going to be used in the second half of the garden - when I can manage to start it of course.

We managed to aquire alot of these sleepers for no more expense than petrol and time collecting them. I've used most of the good long ones but I still have a pile left (and more in the future I hope) and I have ideas to make vertical columns with them in the garden - I saw the idea on Beechgrove garden.

BUT the best pieces I found are these that I unearthed in Mr TG's shed. You would think I'd have claimed them before now because they've been there years but you'd need to understand the dynamics of Mr TG's shed to understand why I haven't. Basically his shed is huge - about 60ft by 30ft and it is filled to the brim, it's also a veeeeery untidy shed and a person should really take out a life insurance policy before entering, however I spied these yeaterday when we were making a start on clearing said shed.

Haven't actually got a clue what I'll use them for, I'll probably scour 'Pinterest' and get some inspiration.

Now the sun has appeared so I guess the rain has stopped which means I can make a start on my potting bench.


  1. You certainly have a good imagination - can't wait to see how you use everything!

  2. It may take a while Sue because I have this tendency to overload my imagination with too many things. I'm then in danger of trying to incorporate everything i found into one project - never going to end well is it!

  3. I cannot wait to see what you do with all the springs and things. Glad to hear you have some successes with the veggies. It can get exasperating.


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